Thursday, December 17, 2015

I'm Bossy After All

In my last posting I shared my thoughts about being unattached.  I even admitted, albeit a bit sheepishly, that my would be suitor just may have me pegged.  He is, after all, someone I've known for a v-e-r-y l-o-n-g time.  We met when my son was 5 years old and have managed to stay in touch all this time.  When I talk with him, I am always ensured easy conversation, lots of laughs, and a bit of a reality check, because my would be suitor doesn't mince words.  I think that's what I like about him.  There are other characteristics for sure, but the directness at which he communicates is something I appreciate.

I was very excited to share my post with him since he was referenced in it.  I thought he would find it amusing, and that he did.  He was especially amused with the part where I lamented that my job has conveniently left me too busy to date.  This admission validated everything he's been telling me for some 20 plus years.  Yet despite his amusement at the posting, he still said, unapologetically, "you're bossy."  I protested, yet he continued...."you're bossy 'cause you're a boss." 

Intrigued by this statement, I set out on a mission to determine if my would be suitor, in all his infinite wisdom, is right once again.  There is no question, I am a boss.  I run an organization and have people that that I am responsible for managing, and hundreds of others that volunteer their time, all of whom I must keep motivated and engaged in our mission.  So in that sense, yes I am a boss.  But I don't consider myself to be overly "bossy."  I set the framework for what needs to be accomplished, and unless they need constant supervision (more on that another time), I trust that they will accomplish and even exceed their goals.  Of course we do the check ins, the progress reports, and I am available to assist, answer questions and provide direction, but I do pride myself on giving employees the flexibility they need to excel in their tasks.  The best possible thing I can do for anyone that works for me is to teach them enough that they could leave and get a better job than the one they have now.  This is how I know I've done my job of mentoring them.  But I am fortunate that for the most part, people that work for me have stayed.  They've learned and they've grown and they've been able to excel within my organization, and so I think I am a pretty decent "boss."  Yet still, I don't consider myself to be "bossy."  But, my would be suitor knows me well, so surely he must have a point.

Off to the dictionary I go.  I find the following definitions of "bossy."

:  inclined to domineer :  dictatorial
— boss·i·ness noun
definition of bossy for kids
: liking to order people around
Well, maybe, but not so much.  So further digging I do.  I decide to focus on the latter of his statement, "cause you're a boss" and find the following:

Definition of Boss

a person who exercises control or authority; specifically one who directs or supervises workers

OK, now we're getting somewhere.  I am still hung up on the fact that would be suitor says I am bossy.  In my quest to fully understand what he means, I refer to one of my favorite dictionaries on the planet...the Urban Dictionary.  And, this is what I find:

Describes a girl who is the alpha-female or the queen bee. She is gettin paid, stayin fly, and is the leader of her crew. Respected by all, loved by some.

the epitome of coolness
beautiful, attractive, cool, stylin', all around great
a word used to describe the ultimate cool
Light bulb just went on!  Would be suitor knows what he's talking about.  I am bossy after all!  Respected by all, loved by some, and the epitome of the ultimate cool!  Yes, yes, yes, I am bossy after all.  All I can say now when you refer to me as "bossy" is....thank you!  I may never again question any statement that you make to me.  Who am I kidding...I will question everything because I am inquisitive by nature.  But, I think that's one of the things you like about me.
And would be owe me a phone call. 

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